takes the privacy of its clients and website users very seriously. We have developed a Privacy Policy that outlines how we handle information collected on our site.
This policy applies only to information collected by and does not cover third-party suppliers who promote their businesses on our platform.
While using the site, you are not required to disclose personal information. However, some features allow you to provide information to receive additional details or list your business. When we collect personal information, it will only be used for the purpose for which it was provided. We will use it internally or share it with companies we specifically choose to offer you products or services that may interest you. We will not share your information with any other third-party organizations without your consent.
Links to third-party websites on are outside our control. Visiting these sites is at your own risk, and we do not endorse or accept any responsibility for the advertising or other content found on those sites.
Following a link to other sites is done at your own risk. in no way endorses or accepts any liability for any advertising or other material appearing on those sites.
If you wish to be removed from our records at any time, please email us to request removal or mark your listing as "not available" until you wish to rent again or your subscription is due for renewal.
If an owner has multiple holiday properties, each property must be listed separately.
Each property listing may appear more than once on the site, but if a client wishes to list their property in more than one region or location, prior approval from is required.
Text in each listing must solely describe the listed property. Links to external websites about your property are allowed, but it is a condition that you also include a link back to
All links will be inserted by upon request and at our discretion.
The content of linked websites must exclusively relate to the listed holiday property for rental.
We reserve the right to remove any links that lead to inappropriate content or to competitors, such as real estate agencies or other accommodation providers.
Only a contact person’s name should be provided for inquiries regarding the holiday property. Company names should not be displayed to ensure fairness for all listings.
This website is not for promoting unrelated businesses owned by holiday home owners or their representatives (e.g., plumbers, florists, carpet layers, etc.).